Baw Bab Competitive Advantage



Now is the right time for Baw Bab to enter the market, last mover advantage with African online business expected to grow 75 billion dollars by 2025


Proprietary DAI


Algorithms used in Last-mile, Proprietary Technology Digital Address Infrastructure will continuously update for the unpaved street until it covers all the unpaved street one day


Strategic Partnerships


Strategic partnership to co-create value of supply chain partner ecosystem to maximize supply chain efficiency


Logistics & Delivery


Strong partnership connection with the third party logistics and company-owned vehicles


Positive Network Effects


Positive network effects for value creation to scale up our business model




Repeatable economies of scale as Baw Bab continues to grow and with increasing partnership and value




Design, differentiation, and desire.


Vertical integration


Baw Bab owns the entire value chain to create greater economies of scale