Below are estimates for Africa's economic growth by 2025. From $17.5 billion to $75 billion in e-commerce business growth by 2025.
$5.6 trillion in business opportunities
$2.1 trillion in household consumption
Double the manufacturing output
As of 2019, only a small 2% share of overall retail sales in Africa was online. We want to be a part of the future of Africa's e-commerce growth.
Africa’s Fact Sheet
Africa’s land area exceeds that of China, Europe, and United States combined
Its 54 countries have a collective population of 1.2 billion
In 2018 alone, six of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world were in Africa
21 of the world’s 30 fastest-growing cities are in Africa.
There are over 450 million smartphone –users in Africa more than the entire population of the United States and Canada combined
There are over four hundred companies that exclusively operate in Africa with $1billion plus in revenue
Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to establish a single market for goods and services across 54 countries, allow the free movement of business travelers and investments, and create a continental customs union to streamline trade - and attract long-term investments.